Fifteen reasons to join us as we fast from negativity and feast on gratitude:
- People are spending too much of their life focusing on self criticism, critisizing others, and being pessemistic.
- Too many people are living below the level God has designed for them because they are confessing, meditating, and thinking about negative things.
- Your relationships with God, spouse, children, coworkers, family, friends, and generally everyone you come in contact with will get better. Your worklife, home life, and church life will all improve.
- People around you will begin to eat the fruit of life from your lips and flourish more because of your positive encouragement.
- You will be taking the axe to the root of negative words and uprooting them so that they can be replaced with postive, faith filled words that are based on the true promises of God.
- It will force you to think of better ways to communicate your desires.
- It will help you to stop believing lies about your self and become the person God made you to be.
- It will aid you in changing your perspective on even problematic situations.
- It doesn't ignore problems but helps you deal with them in the right way.
- You will train your self to be solution focuses rather than problem focused
- Guarding your speech means you are gaurding your heart, which means you are changing your beliefs, which means the core of who you are is being afforded the opportunity to be transformed.
- Things that used to be fearful obstacles will turn into opportunities as you anchor your heart and confessions in God's word that will give you courage and strength to overcome.
- You will become "other-minded" versus "self-centered".
- It will ignite your faith in God, service toward man, and love for all.
- You will be certain despite circumstances that God is faithful and you won't allow situations to easily alter your moods and attitudes.
Will you join us? If so comment on my blog or facebook, or twitter (use the hash tag #negativityfast or #gratitudefeast).
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#Negativityfast. Awesome Can't wait to try this
ReplyDelete#Negativityfast. Awesome Can't wait to try this