She did it again!! I have to take a moment to admit that my wife, Lisa Hill, is the writer in the family. I just
blurp every now and then. She can communicate in two paragraphs what is takes me to communicate in and essay. Sweet lips are what we all need during this 30 day negativity fast. To keep my words encouraging I have intentionally had to keep saying this phrase, "hold on let me rephrase that." One day a few years back I
accidentally called my home phone and ended up recording a message. Well I heard the stress and strain in my voice as I was correcting one of my children. I said to myself, "Jonathan was it really that serious?" I realized then and am realizing now, you can get the same point across with out the
vocal undulations and snide looks. My wife really hits it home with her blog post on the
Sweetness of the lips (click here). Let's share this sweetness with everyone we meet. Find somebody and surprise them by being sweet today.
If you feel like you keep failing at this negativity fast read this post, you may not have the right heart.Join in as we fast from negative words for 30 days. I wrote 15 viable reasons to join this campaign in a previous post. Entire churches are joining, small groups, corporate offices, classrooms, families, teams, etc. are all joining in. This campaign will change your life! It is the right thing to do.If you would like to receive email updates of my new post click below:
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