Often you think a missions trip is for the people you are going to help. Actually it is just as much for you as it is for them. From raising support to go on the trip to coming back home and sharing the experience; God continues to teach small little lessons. Today I am continuing the 21 things we learned on the mission field with 15-21. You can read Part 1 and Part 2 on previous post.
15) That hitchhiking is an acceptable form of transportation in Romania that people pay for.
16) That working together as father and sons was dynamic and we make a great team.
17) That the power of prayer is essential on the missions field and can be literally felt.
18) That in Europe they have different electrical outlets. And a 110 volt hair trimmer doesn’t like 220 volts of power.
19) That your spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities come alive in a new and fresh way when you go out into the field.
20) That being tall and black qualifies me for this question in Europe, “Do you play in the NBA?”
21) That people from other cultures will trust you more when they see what you believe before you say what you believe.
Now that we have our first trip under our belt we are eagerly waiting for the next opportunity. We want to make it a goal to do something with missions every year.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
21 Things-Mission Romania-Part 2
If you get an opportunity to serve a people group that will take you out of your comfort zone. DO IT! Today I am continuing the 21 things we learned on the mission field with 8-14 below: I wrote 1-7 here in a previous post
8) That being American can be a doorway to conversations that can easily be pointed towards matters of faith.
9) The Gospel transcends cultures and geographical boundaries and has the same power to save.
10) That the freedom of religion we have enjoyed all of our lives has afforded us knowledge and experience in God that many in the world do not have the freedom to enjoy.
11) That there are entire regions of people that are Godless and have been scarred by abusive governments and false religion.
12) That all showers don’t have shower curtains.
13) That just because you are using terms like God, Church, faith, and Jesus doesn’t mean that it communicates to their cultural experience. You can be talking, but not communicating.
14) That we have a responsibility to go into all the world and teach all nations. Much has been given to us and much is required. Comfortable Christianity does not fulfill the great commission.
I'll continue tomorrow with 15-21 (Click here). If you get an opportunity to serve a people group that will take you out of your comfort zone. DO IT!
If you would like to receive email updates of my new post click below:Subscribe to Jonathan's Blog by Email
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8) That being American can be a doorway to conversations that can easily be pointed towards matters of faith.
9) The Gospel transcends cultures and geographical boundaries and has the same power to save.
10) That the freedom of religion we have enjoyed all of our lives has afforded us knowledge and experience in God that many in the world do not have the freedom to enjoy.
11) That there are entire regions of people that are Godless and have been scarred by abusive governments and false religion.
12) That all showers don’t have shower curtains.
13) That just because you are using terms like God, Church, faith, and Jesus doesn’t mean that it communicates to their cultural experience. You can be talking, but not communicating.
14) That we have a responsibility to go into all the world and teach all nations. Much has been given to us and much is required. Comfortable Christianity does not fulfill the great commission.
I'll continue tomorrow with 15-21 (Click here). If you get an opportunity to serve a people group that will take you out of your comfort zone. DO IT!
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012
21 Things-Mission Romania-Part 1
Over 400 military students and leaders with the organization MCYM (Military Community Youth Ministries) converged on Cluj-Napoca, Romania to show the love of Jesus to six different Romanian communities: We constructed playgrounds, played sports, shared Christ through VBS (Vacation Bible School) & taught ESL (English as a Second Language) to the Romanian, Hungarian, & Roma people. Each of the six days ended with worship, a message, and small group time.
Twenty-one things we learned on the mission field ( First seven):
1) Meeting the Roma people, who are considered outcast in Romania, opened our eyes to the fact that no one is an outcast in God’s eyes and we should love on them all the more.2) Seeing some of the shacks that people live in near the city dump reminded us that we should use the term “need” very sparingly. The little we say we have is much to someone else.
3) That good food can bring all types of people together. We could eat Hungarian Goulash every day!
4) Meeting the other missionaries that have left jobs, comfort and careers to follow God’s call was confirming and provoking.
5) That people who don’t speak English won’t understand you no matter how loud you talk.
6) That who you marry will have an effect on your ability to effectively minister. My wife supported us 200% and helped us in many detailed ways.
7) Just knowing that we had the opportunity to do a small part and encourage the families of our active duty military for six straight days was fulfilling.
I'll continue tomorrow with 8-14 (click here). I was so humbled to be given the honor to speak at this event. My eyes are opened wide to what Jesus said about going to all the world. There is a such a need for sound teaching and fervent love all over the world. Much has been given to most American Christians so much is required. GO YE!!!!!
For pictures go here and click on Romania 2012 pictures!
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Thursday, July 5, 2012
Bible Experience: July-August
Start reading your Bible today. We continue to hear how the Bible Experience (Bible-X) is helping people stay focused on God’s word. We have over 100 participants from eight different states (NJ, FL, MO, TX, OK, MD, IA and IN). I wanted to take time to share a testimony in my family.
What are your testimonies? Please share: email to info@churchablaze.tv or leave a voice mail at 405-200-1846.
Read here to see how the Bible Experience works. The chapters for July and August are included as an image in this post. Below you can read how to print your own bookmark or receive one in the mail.
For July and August as we will stay on the theme of Establishing. We will look at:
1. This can be a personal devotion tool. Fellowship with God a minimum of 20 minutes through prayer, reading, and journaling (See bookmark for guidance).
2. This can be a tool to bring your family together around the word. Have the family individually read the two chapters in their own quiet time. When you come together in the car, around the dinner table, or in the family room; have each family member share a portion from the reading that had an impact. Pray for each other and you are done.
3. This can be a tool used in small group environments. Get together with one or two others and share what passages stood out the most to you.
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We have two teenage sons. We want them to own their faith and spend time with God because they "want to" not because they "have to". Having the physical bookmark in their Bible and a set time when they read has helped them to keep a Godly focus for their days. It has been a joy to be in the car and have a spontaneous conversation over the reading for the day. We pray that they are developing a habit that they will be able to carry with them when they leave our house.
Read here to see how the Bible Experience works. The chapters for July and August are included as an image in this post. Below you can read how to print your own bookmark or receive one in the mail.
For July and August as we will stay on the theme of Establishing. We will look at:
- Establishing of a leader---I and II Timothy, Titus
- Establishing a love for Jesus---Gospel of John and his three letters (I, II, and III John)
- Establishing the Christian life---James
- Establishing of the temple---Exodus
- Establishing of the law---Deuteronomy

3. This can be a tool used in small group environments. Get together with one or two others and share what passages stood out the most to you.
If you would like a bookmark mailed to you every two months please email: info@churchablaze.tv. Leave us your name and mailing address.
You can also print off a hard copy of the bookmark your self here. (Bookmark pdf file)
If you would like to receive email updates of my new post click below:Subscribe to Jonathan's Blog by EmailIf you would like a bookmark mailed to you every two months please email: info@churchablaze.tv. Leave us your name and mailing address.
You can also print off a hard copy of the bookmark your self here. (Bookmark pdf file)
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Bible Experience,
spirtual disciplines
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