#15 She cooks some mean spaghetti
#14 The way she tilts her head and says “I just love you"
#13 She accepted me as I was
#12 The grace-filled, tender tone of her voice
#11 She gives me the privilege to wipe her tears when she cries
#10 the way she walks caught my eye early
#9 The way she snaps her fingers when she is happy
#8 She has helped me reach every goal in my life
#7 She is so genuine and creative, I have never met another woman like her
#6 The way she uninhibitedly yields in worships to God
#5 She has unashamedly embraced motherhood as her career and given herself wholly to it.
#4 She has NEVER offended me without apologizing and reconciling
#3 Her sensitivity to God induces me to draw closer to her and God
#2 She puts the interest of her family above her own
#1 Our love is secure because she loves God more than she loves me
The number one reason mentioned above is what keeps us connected. God is the third chord in our braid of marriage. With him intertwined with us we know that we can overcome and beat the odds. I will never forget, before we got married I called her and she was spending time with God. She asked if I could call her back. I said, "sure" hung up the phone and JUMPED FOR JOY, because I knew I was second and God was first. When we both keep God first in our lives only then do we have the power to love each other without conditions.
If you happen to be going through a Marriage Crisis know that there is hope. God can help you overcome the toughest trials. If you would liked to be a part of a growing group of couples that focus on building Godly marriages. Go to www.eyetoeyecommunity.com also join us on Facebook