1) For God always being the rock in my life. Keeping me with a sound mind. Leading and guiding me through tough decisions. For displaying his Glory and grace to a person that doesn't deserve it. By the grace of God I am what I am!
2) For a gorgeous wife that creates a serene home life for our family and is my number one fan.
3) For six children that are growing in love for God and each other
4) For a church family that I can truly call friends.
5) For my relatives on both sides of the family that have mass love and support.
6) For getting three of our parents through major health issues this year. Also for bringing my parents to live withing 7 minutes of us and making my brother my new next door neighbor!
7) For opening doors for our church to meet in another churches facilities
8) For providing financially for my family in a slow engineering year
9) For our marriage ministry and Homeschool Coop family which help create a flourishing environment to raise my family.
10)For all of my old and new friends that I have been united with through social networking.
"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus Concerning you." I Thes. 5:18
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