Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bible Experience-May-June

There is a deficit of Christians that spend a daily quite time with God. In this fast paced world it's good to have a tool that will help you slow down and focus on God's word. What a blessing it is to see the Bible Experience (Bible-X) bringing families and individuals together around God’s word. We have participants from NJ, FL, MO, TX, OK, and IN. It is sweeping across generations from six year old children on up to people in their fifties. Read here to see how the Bible Experience works. The chapters for May and June are included as an image in this post. Below you can read how to print your own bookmark or receive one in the mail.

This is an experience that you can use in multiple ways:
1. This can be used as a personal devotion tool. Fellowship with God a minimum of 20 minutes through prayer, reading, and journaling (See bookmark for guidance).
2. A tool to bring your family together around the word. Have the family individually read the two chapters in their own quiet time. When you come together in the car, around the dinner table, or in the family room have each family share a portion that impact them from the reading. Pray for each other and you are done.
3. A tool that can be used in small group environments. Get together with one or two others and share what passages stood out the most to you. 

Remember if you miss a day don’t worry about catching up, just pick up where you left off. We are not reading for speed, nor are we trying to finish the Bible in a certain amount of time. We are establishing a discipline of reading the Bible for life.

If you would like a bookmark mailed to you every two months please email: Leave us your name and mailing address.
You can also print off a hard copy of the bookmark your self here. (Bookmark pdf file)

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