Monday, October 5, 2009

Thirty Days of Prayer Day 06-The Greatest Gift

We are at Day 06 of our 30 day prayer journey. It is so amazing how group prayer, even over a conference call line, causes the prayer's hearts to melt together as one. The men on our call have developed a sense of unity, camaraderie, and strength in these short six days. God's word tells us in Ephesians 6:18 to pray at all times for fellow believers. I am convinced that the following quote is true:

"Faithful prayer—whether in public or private—is one of the greatest gifts we can give others." —David McCasland

Your direct prayers to God on other's behalf can accomplish more in another's life than you could directly dealing with the person. Prayer reveals a dependence on God who can see broader, can reach further, can understand better, and can hear clearer. We can offer something greater than ourselves to our friends, families, acquaintances, and even our enemies. When you are wronged and can't work up the nerve to talk to your accuser. The bible tells us the greatest gift you can give them is your prayer. Prayer works on your heart while at the same time bends God's ear to work on the heart of your accuser. Give out the gift of prayer daily and you will find a sense of fulfillment like never before.

Day four was the last time I posted about GOD sized prayers. We are going to keep pressing on. If you have any prayer request please email me at . If you would like to join us note that in an email and I will send you the info.

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